Michael Rachlin, AIA

Stauffer Middle School

Downey Unified School District
Downey, California

Rachlin Partners began a partnership with the Downey Unified School District in 2015 to provide Architectural services for the District’s Measure O Bond program. In addition to providing these services, Downey Unified School District invited Rachlin Partners to also provide Program and Construction Management services. In the last five years, Rachlin Partners has delivered numerous projects districtwide and was recently selected, from a pool of architects, to design and construct one of the last projects of the Measure O Bond Program: a New Classroom Building for Stauffer Middle School.

The Measure O Bond Program has helped the District transform its 20 schools into modern, 21-century learning environments. Stauffer Middle School, in particular, was honored with the National School to Watch award for being a high-performing school. To complete the renovation of Stauffer Middle School, Rachlin Partners will be constructing a New Two-Story, 19-Classroom Building. Designed through engagement with the District and staff, the new classroom building will feature modern learning environments with ample natural daylighting, outdoor learning opportunities, and an inviting plaza for students to gather in.

The new classroom building, located at the end of a circulation pathway, will unify the campus by connecting the entrance of the middle school with the athletic facilities and existing classroom buildings.

Upon completion, students at Stauffer Middle School will enjoy engaging learning spaces with a cheerful presence.